Thursday, 15 December 2016


How does this article link to the hypodermic needle model?

The article links to the hypodermic needle as it is feeding in information that is categorically untrue and false. This is feeding the minds of the public with false information that is trying to sway their opinions and change their mindsets. This is wrong as they are imposing one sided views onto their audience. 

Why might someone criticise this front page? 

They might criticise the front page because it is fully one sided and linking irrelevant facts into the argument intended to sway public opinion.

1) Summarise the two-step flow model. In your opinion, is the two-step flow theory still relevant today?

The two step flow model is when someone posts information and then changes the opinion of the public. 

2) How does this YouTube blogger fit into the two-step flow model?

He fits into it as he gets the games to review and then posts his review for the world to see.

3) How this this Telegraph article on influential tweeters fit the two-step flow model?

It fits into the two step model as they get the information and post it, this then sways public ideologies. 

4) Read this BBC profile of Jamal Edwards. How does Jamal Edwards link to the two-step flow model?

He links to the model as he is using social media to portray ideas and thoughts.

Diversion: films such as The Martian fit into this category as they are using an imaginary world to create entertainment and excitement. 

Personal Relationships: movies such as RomComs may create a feeling of PR's as you are creating a link with the actors and feeling empathy.

Personal Identity: media sites such as Snapchat allow people to portray their identities and allow people identify with each other.

Surveillance: sites such as Twitter are surveillance sites that allow people to keep up with what is going on in the world and allow them to be informed.

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