How does this article link to the hypodermic needle model?
The article links to the hypodermic needle as it is feeding in information that is categorically untrue and false. This is feeding the minds of the public with false information that is trying to sway their opinions and change their mindsets. This is wrong as they are imposing one sided views onto their audience.
Why might someone criticise this front page?
They might criticise the front page because it is fully one sided and linking irrelevant facts into the argument intended to sway public opinion.
1) Summarise the two-step flow model. In your opinion, is the two-step flow theory still relevant today?
The two step flow model is when someone posts information and then changes the opinion of the public.
2) How does this YouTube blogger fit into the two-step flow model?
He fits into it as he gets the games to review and then posts his review for the world to see.
3) How this this Telegraph article on influential tweeters fit the two-step flow model?
It fits into the two step model as they get the information and post it, this then sways public ideologies.
4) Read this BBC profile of Jamal Edwards. How does Jamal Edwards link to the two-step flow model?
He links to the model as he is using social media to portray ideas and thoughts.
Diversion: films such as The Martian fit into this category as they are using an imaginary world to create entertainment and excitement.
Personal Relationships: movies such as RomComs may create a feeling of PR's as you are creating a link with the actors and feeling empathy.
Personal Identity: media sites such as Snapchat allow people to portray their identities and allow people identify with each other.
Surveillance: sites such as Twitter are surveillance sites that allow people to keep up with what is going on in the world and allow them to be informed.
Thursday, 15 December 2016
Binary Opisition
1) Binary opposition is often used to create conflict and war in media. In this clip, we see Nigel Farage claiming and clarifying his points on the anti-immigration and how this immigration is the reason for the problems faced in the UK with the public services being damaged such as the NHS. Essentially, he is trying to proclaim that the immigration is the reason for NHS to sink. However, we see Russell Brand who is in complete opposite side to Nigel Farage and has different views and points. He doesn't see the immigration as a problem to the UK and to the UK's social services. Also, he wants the wealthy people to distribute to the helping of disabled people and etc.
There are two different ideologies being displayed in this clip as we see two politicians with two contrasting views and points which set an ideology to the consumers. Firstly, with Nigel Farage, we see him and know him to be against the immigration and how they ruin the UK's public services such as the NHS. Also, with the wealthy people, he thinks that they shouldn't be allowed to pay a huge amount of tax and he thinks that they should pay less as he thinks that they should celebrate and enjoy their wealthiness. I think with Nigel Farage's views, the ideology set to the consumers would be that the immigrants are bad and damage the UK with their public services. However, with Russell Brand, he is known to not be against immigration but supports social equality within every people and they must be treated the same. Also, he thinks that the rich should be distributing money to the poor and in need community as they have a huge amount of money and they shouldn't be allowed to keep a lot. Also, this is about the freedom of the people that suffer and haven't got a high paying job. The ideology here is that the immigrants aren't bad and aren't the problems to the UK but the rich must contribute more to the donations and helping.
There are two different ideologies being displayed in this clip as we see two politicians with two contrasting views and points which set an ideology to the consumers. Firstly, with Nigel Farage, we see him and know him to be against the immigration and how they ruin the UK's public services such as the NHS. Also, with the wealthy people, he thinks that they shouldn't be allowed to pay a huge amount of tax and he thinks that they should pay less as he thinks that they should celebrate and enjoy their wealthiness. I think with Nigel Farage's views, the ideology set to the consumers would be that the immigrants are bad and damage the UK with their public services. However, with Russell Brand, he is known to not be against immigration but supports social equality within every people and they must be treated the same. Also, he thinks that the rich should be distributing money to the poor and in need community as they have a huge amount of money and they shouldn't be allowed to keep a lot. Also, this is about the freedom of the people that suffer and haven't got a high paying job. The ideology here is that the immigrants aren't bad and aren't the problems to the UK but the rich must contribute more to the donations and helping.
Clouds over sidera
1) What does new Media such as 'Clouds over Sidra' offer audiences? Is there a target.audience and how do you know?
Clouds over Sidra offers the audience an insight in other harsh and torturing countries where the people are thoroughly being mistreated and killed. Countries such as Iraq and Syria always have the population decreasing majorly day by day as on the news, we hear about the innocent lives being taken away by attacks from terrorists or other groups. It forces the audience to feel sympathy and empathy for the people in those countries where they have unstoppable attacks and it forces them to feel like they are part of this cruel thing. This is called virtual reality and this virtual reality allows the audience to have a look at the 360 degrees video where they can see everything that is around. A 360 degrees footage makes you feel like you are at the place and it really helps you to recognize how the environment is.
With the article, the target audience would be adults that have jobs such as working in charity or they like to fund money to the charity to help the people in need such as in Africa. The article certainly does convince people and it forces them to think deeply about the people in need and the people dying and this should force them to maybe think about the people more and help more.
Clouds over Sidra offers the audience an insight in other harsh and torturing countries where the people are thoroughly being mistreated and killed. Countries such as Iraq and Syria always have the population decreasing majorly day by day as on the news, we hear about the innocent lives being taken away by attacks from terrorists or other groups. It forces the audience to feel sympathy and empathy for the people in those countries where they have unstoppable attacks and it forces them to feel like they are part of this cruel thing. This is called virtual reality and this virtual reality allows the audience to have a look at the 360 degrees video where they can see everything that is around. A 360 degrees footage makes you feel like you are at the place and it really helps you to recognize how the environment is.
With the article, the target audience would be adults that have jobs such as working in charity or they like to fund money to the charity to help the people in need such as in Africa. The article certainly does convince people and it forces them to think deeply about the people in need and the people dying and this should force them to maybe think about the people more and help more.
2) How have the new perspectives offered by the digital world changed the relationship between the audience (consumer) and the Media product (producer)?
Consider: Sensory overload / the role of empathy / Immersive media
The new perspective offered by the digital world certainly changes the relationship of the media product with the consumer. Similar to Clouds Over Sidra, it is the occurrence of the virtual reality that forces the audience to realize the horrific and torturing events taking place in this world. With virtual reality, it then forces the audience to feel sympathy and empathy for the people that have lost their loved ones, for the innocent lives that have been taken away and for the people that are currently suffering in this world. This then encourages the audience to perhaps think deeply and think to do more by helping charities or funding money to children in need so that many people in Africa for example can receive help. With the media encouraging the audience to do positive things, it makes them producers as they are the ones that are then helping people out.
1) In this clip of the Bad Boys movie, we see the black male character that is portrayed to be a hilarious and a stupid character due to his actions within the clip and the whole movie. This reinforces the stereotype of how black people are portrayed to be foolish and hilarious in many movies. They are hardly portrayed as the serious, superhero like character. The other black character also is portrayed to be a hilarious man that seems to not take things seriously as we see the couple arguing and he interferes with a sarcastic tone of voice showing his complete lack of care for his friend. This also reinforces the stereotype of black people as they are constantly being portrayed to be the pessimistic side in movies.
Moreover, within the clip, we also have 2 female characters and in comparison to both of them, they are both a contrast to each other due to their representation in the movie. The firstly female who is the black female, wife of the black character, she seems to be quite independent and strong when it comes to confronting people especially her husband. She seems independent as her husband is pleading for forgiveness and tries to make many excuses to her so that she can forgive him; but she stays strong and speaks strongly towards him, leaving him speechless. In addition, we have the other white female in the scene who seems to be the victim within the scene. We see this as she feels annoyed at the fact that the two men lied to her and she leaves. This reinforces the stereotype of how white females are vulnerable and weak.
Moreover, within the clip, we also have 2 female characters and in comparison to both of them, they are both a contrast to each other due to their representation in the movie. The firstly female who is the black female, wife of the black character, she seems to be quite independent and strong when it comes to confronting people especially her husband. She seems independent as her husband is pleading for forgiveness and tries to make many excuses to her so that she can forgive him; but she stays strong and speaks strongly towards him, leaving him speechless. In addition, we have the other white female in the scene who seems to be the victim within the scene. We see this as she feels annoyed at the fact that the two men lied to her and she leaves. This reinforces the stereotype of how white females are vulnerable and weak.
2)As stated before, for the two black men characters, it is certainly a dominant portrayal as they are portrayed to be foolish and hilarious characters which we mostly see in movies.
Moreover, with the black female character, we see her as an independent woman which is a alternative portrayal as we rarely see a black female character in control in movies. Lastly, with the white female character, it is a dominant portrayal as we see her as the victim making her look weak and vulnerable which we mostly see in many movies.
Moreover, with the black female character, we see her as an independent woman which is a alternative portrayal as we rarely see a black female character in control in movies. Lastly, with the white female character, it is a dominant portrayal as we see her as the victim making her look weak and vulnerable which we mostly see in many movies.
3) Within the scene, I can identify many stereotypes. Firstly, the 2 black male characters are portrayed as idiotic and hilarious characters that the audience laugh at. This is stereotype of how black people are hilarious and they are mostly presented as the funny ones or the scapegoat ones that should always be laughed at by the audience. Also, with the black female character, she seems more stronger than the white female character and the 2 black characters which we rarely see in movies. It subverts the stereotype of how black people are portrayed to be the weaker ones in many movies.
With Gender, I can state that within this scene, the 2 men are the most vulnerable ones in comparison to the other 2 female characters. This is a rare portrayal as we don't really see men as the weak ones and females as the strong ones. With the females being the stronger ones, it certainly does subvert the stereotype of women being weak and unreliable.
With Gender, I can state that within this scene, the 2 men are the most vulnerable ones in comparison to the other 2 female characters. This is a rare portrayal as we don't really see men as the weak ones and females as the strong ones. With the females being the stronger ones, it certainly does subvert the stereotype of women being weak and unreliable.
Tuesday, 6 December 2016
Monday, 5 December 2016
Christmas Adverts
1) Which do you think is the most appealing and why?
In my opinion the advert for Heathrow was the most convincing at it appealed to the viewer, gave some personal identification through the actors.
2) Are there any audience pleasures that two or more of the adverts have in common? Choose two examples to illustrate your point.
Voyeurism is the key concept of two adverts and they are the Heathrow and Man on the moon ad because the the viewer develops some personal attachment as they use families in the advert.
3) Choose a different advert and identify the target audience for the advert. Answer in terms of demography and psychography. What tells you this?
John Lewis advert tries to target middle class to upper class consumers, more specifically elites and succeeders. The thing that gives this away is because of the mise-en-scene the setting is seen as expensive, including the props and furniture.
4) Why do you think Christmas adverts, in particular, often use emotive language and narratives to appeal to a wide audience?
This is because they try to be emotionally attached because christmas is all about being around youre loved ones and they try to target audiences that can relate. Usually everyone can relate to the adverts because the families used tend to be mainstream families.
5) Choose an advert with a narrative and, just for fun, apply one of our narrative theories to it. Why does a narrative have a place in an advert?
In my opinion the advert for Heathrow was the most convincing at it appealed to the viewer, gave some personal identification through the actors.
2) Are there any audience pleasures that two or more of the adverts have in common? Choose two examples to illustrate your point.
Voyeurism is the key concept of two adverts and they are the Heathrow and Man on the moon ad because the the viewer develops some personal attachment as they use families in the advert.
3) Choose a different advert and identify the target audience for the advert. Answer in terms of demography and psychography. What tells you this?
John Lewis advert tries to target middle class to upper class consumers, more specifically elites and succeeders. The thing that gives this away is because of the mise-en-scene the setting is seen as expensive, including the props and furniture.
4) Why do you think Christmas adverts, in particular, often use emotive language and narratives to appeal to a wide audience?
This is because they try to be emotionally attached because christmas is all about being around youre loved ones and they try to target audiences that can relate. Usually everyone can relate to the adverts because the families used tend to be mainstream families.
5) Choose an advert with a narrative and, just for fun, apply one of our narrative theories to it. Why does a narrative have a place in an advert?
Adverts such as the John Lewis one use narrative theories to promote their business as the ideal family christmas shopping store.
Wednesday, 30 November 2016
Media Fact Sheet
1)Do you play violent games? Are you violent in real life?
I indeed play violent video games, however i am not violent in real life as I don't believe for a second video games could bring youre dark side out. It depends on the person and his own mentality
2) What are the four categories for different effects theories?
Direct Effect theory, Indirect Effect theories and Diffusion theories.
3) What are the examples provided for the hypodermic needle theory - where media texts have been blamed for certain events?
Jamie Bulger was blamed for child's play, Marilyn Manson for school shootings.
4) What was the 1999 Columbine massacre?
Two people raided a school and murdered in cold blood 15 people because of previous school bullying.
5) What are the reasons listed on the factsheet to possibly explain the Columbine High School massacre?
The environment around the kids in the high school allowed them to access these sinister acts.
6) What does Gerbner's Cultivation theory suggest?
As acts like this become more common they are seen as acceptable and then those people will see that they fit in.
7) How does this front page of the Daily Mail (from this week - Wednesday 16 November) link to Cultivation theory?
It is trying to say everyone with these acts applied to the cruel doings.
8) What does the factsheet suggest about action films and the values and ideologies that are reinforced with regards to violence?
Conventionally the hero/protagonist is the good person and the viewer will want him to defeat the dangers ahead including the protagonist which the audience are hypnotised to hate.
9) What criticisms of direct effect theories are suggested in the factsheet?
Its trying to say anyone can change and that its easy to fool people.
10) Why might the 1970s sitcom Love Thy Neighbour be considered so controversial today? What does this tell us about Reception theory and how audiences create meanings?
This suggests that different people have different points and meanings, these things could change over time because how society is shaped at the time period.
11) What examples are provided for Hall's theory of preferred, negotiated and oppositional readings?
Daily mail and the Sun as they report the same news but to different audience types. The Sun tends to target Working class readers and Daily Mail targets Middle to higher class people.
12) Which audience theory do you think is most convincing? Why?
Pluralism theory in my opinion because so many point of views are accepted and not much judgment is involved.
I indeed play violent video games, however i am not violent in real life as I don't believe for a second video games could bring youre dark side out. It depends on the person and his own mentality
2) What are the four categories for different effects theories?
Direct Effect theory, Indirect Effect theories and Diffusion theories.
Jamie Bulger was blamed for child's play, Marilyn Manson for school shootings.
4) What was the 1999 Columbine massacre?
Two people raided a school and murdered in cold blood 15 people because of previous school bullying.
5) What are the reasons listed on the factsheet to possibly explain the Columbine High School massacre?
The environment around the kids in the high school allowed them to access these sinister acts.
6) What does Gerbner's Cultivation theory suggest?
As acts like this become more common they are seen as acceptable and then those people will see that they fit in.
7) How does this front page of the Daily Mail (from this week - Wednesday 16 November) link to Cultivation theory?
It is trying to say everyone with these acts applied to the cruel doings.
8) What does the factsheet suggest about action films and the values and ideologies that are reinforced with regards to violence?
Conventionally the hero/protagonist is the good person and the viewer will want him to defeat the dangers ahead including the protagonist which the audience are hypnotised to hate.
9) What criticisms of direct effect theories are suggested in the factsheet?
Its trying to say anyone can change and that its easy to fool people.
10) Why might the 1970s sitcom Love Thy Neighbour be considered so controversial today? What does this tell us about Reception theory and how audiences create meanings?
This suggests that different people have different points and meanings, these things could change over time because how society is shaped at the time period.
11) What examples are provided for Hall's theory of preferred, negotiated and oppositional readings?
Daily mail and the Sun as they report the same news but to different audience types. The Sun tends to target Working class readers and Daily Mail targets Middle to higher class people.
12) Which audience theory do you think is most convincing? Why?
Pluralism theory in my opinion because so many point of views are accepted and not much judgment is involved.
Genre Task
Why did you choose the text you are analysing?
I chose Deadpool simply because its a fantastic film the carries elements of action adventure into a comedy based movie.
In what context did you encounter it?
I've watched it in the cinema as everyone generated hype all over the internet and my friends gave me good comments about it, so thats what motivated me to watch it.
What influence do you think this context might have had on your interpretation of the text?
It didnt represent heros in a very conventional way as heroes are meant to be motivated serious beings but this film got the humorous side of things.
To what genre did you initially assign the text?
I could recognise the film to be a comedy fil mainly since its trailer contained jokes and adult funny refrences which make the audience interested to view it.
What is your experience of this genre?
Ive enjoyed mostly every film i watched from the comedy genre because it diverts you away from the real world and cheers you up.
What subject matter and basic themes is the text concerned with?
Conventionally in action adventure films the protagonist always gets the prize, and just like how most films are Deapool follows this principle the defeat the villan character and claim the princess.
How typical of the genre is this text in terms of content?
As said before its very clear to point out its a comedy film because of the actions the characters do, references they make, jokes the say and at the end of the day u cannot take them seriously.
What expectations do you have about texts in this genre?
In this action comedy you expect to be funny as well as fast paced due to the action genre elements.
Have you found any formal generic labels for this particular text (where)?
When the protagonist Deadpool master-baits in a blind ladies house, and at the end in the fight scene.
What generic labels have others given the same text?
They have mentioned the same things.
Which conventions of the genre do you recognise in the text?
Includes a funny protagonist, fierce antagonist, prize role and funny references.
To what extent does this text stretch the conventions of its genre?
It carries a conventional action narrative although it subverts it as it contains humour which action films shouldn't have, this is partly why it was successful.
Where and why does the text depart from the conventions of the genre?
He brings jokes when his girlfriend is kidnapped, he doesn't know when to be serious and these are things a hero should do.
Which conventions seem more like those of a different genre (and which genre(s))?
When he has fun with his prize and this fits into the romantic comedy genre.
Mode of address
What sort of audience did you feel that the text was aimed at (and how typical was this of the genre)?
I believe that its aimed at young adult demographic to mid 30's
How does the text address you?
The jokes mentioned in film were really funny and appealed to me because I'm young and into comedy films.
What sort of person does it assume you are?
A comic superhero teenager who enjoys comedy and funny puns.
What assumptions seem to be made about your class, age, gender and ethnicity?
working class, young, mainly male.
What interests does it assume you have?
Interested in action and comedy movies.
Relationship to other texts
What intertextual references are there in the text you are analysing (and to what other texts)?
It references to other superheroes such as Green Lantern as well as referencing adult humour.
Generically, which other texts does the text you are analysing resemble most closely?
Humour and Romance
What key features are shared by these texts?
The plot and the conflict that creates disequilibrium half way through the film
What major differences do you notice between them?
It include more graphic effects and fast paced editing.
Brand values
sport line company that are passionate about sports and how to improve
performance, they appeal to working class to middle class consumers as their
cloth line and equipment is modern and fashionable. They appeal to some of
Dyers line of appeal. One of them are self-importance and pride as they drive
the consumer to be successful and in the spot light. Their products
appeal to a younger audience too as they get sports icons and try to inspire
them. It’s also seen as a premium sports products as most of their items are
near the £100 margin.
Number one leading brand for sporting success.
This is a car engineering establishment that produce classy, elegant and power cars. They aim their vehicles towards a middle to higher class consumers due to the quality of their build and price range. Their brand value fits in elite people and experts simply because of the high end materials they use and because of their German manufacturing reputation. They also target business people in particular as they have enough money to afford their product. Because they are a luxurious they take pride in what they do that is why recreate their cars every year
Middle class company with higher class goals.
A semi premium company that produces shoes for the ages of 30s - 70s,
Monday, 28 November 2016
1) Media consumption audit
2) Language and Genre: Reading an image - advert analyses
3) Institution: major media institution research, presentation and feedback/LR
4) Institution: brand values
5) Narrative: narrative theory YouTube clip analysis
6) Genre: Factsheet questions and Chandler genre analysis task
7) Audience: psychographics
8) Audience: audience theory blog tasks/questions
9) Audience: Effects theory - factsheet and questions
10) Audience Pleasures: The battle of the Christmas adverts
11) Representation: clip analysis - dominant and alternative representations
Binary Opisition
Clouds over sedra
Friday, 28 October 2016
Video Media analysing
TV Show
007 Spectre
The trailer for Spectre uses many narrative elements typical of the action genre. Propp's character theory relates to this films narrative because Spectre has a clear protagonist, Daniel Craig's character James Bond. Bond is shown to be the strongest character in the movie because he has several set of skills such as using his intelligence to escape from the villain. The heroine is the Russian woman who Bond protects and has romantic feelings towards her. In some characteristics, the Russian woman conforms to conventional heroines for instance she is seen as a prize for James Bond. On the other hand, she could be seen as subversive because she is intelligent scientist, independent, and has an impressive job. The mentor role is one of teacher or guider and you could argue that M fulfils has this role.
In trailer, there is not much evidence to support equilibrium in Todorov's theory, Theres more proof sof disequilibrium which makes perfect sense for a James Bond film. Agent Bond is a spy and he fights crime for a living which makes his like a living chaos in our eyes. To truly find the equilibrium in Spectre you need to really pay attention to small details in the film due the movie is constantly full of energy and action. In the trailer its basically disequilibrium constantly.
For Barthes theory, the enigma code is when the father of the missing daughter reveals to Bond that she is missing. This is an enigma code the reason for this is that the daughter is the only help for Bond so theres a mission for him to find her as he now knows she's missing. The missing girls father commits suicide due to the stress he has, which made the whole situation a lot more intense.Action codes are very conventional in this movie, theres action most of the time. The action code is at its most effective way is when agents Bond finds the girl and now has a duty to keep her safe from the villains, in addition he has also gave his word to find the girl which he does. There are dramatic scenes when Bond has shooting scene or a fighting scene that creates visceralious pleasure to the viewers.
In trailer, there is not much evidence to support equilibrium in Todorov's theory, Theres more proof sof disequilibrium which makes perfect sense for a James Bond film. Agent Bond is a spy and he fights crime for a living which makes his like a living chaos in our eyes. To truly find the equilibrium in Spectre you need to really pay attention to small details in the film due the movie is constantly full of energy and action. In the trailer its basically disequilibrium constantly.
For Barthes theory, the enigma code is when the father of the missing daughter reveals to Bond that she is missing. This is an enigma code the reason for this is that the daughter is the only help for Bond so theres a mission for him to find her as he now knows she's missing. The missing girls father commits suicide due to the stress he has, which made the whole situation a lot more intense.Action codes are very conventional in this movie, theres action most of the time. The action code is at its most effective way is when agents Bond finds the girl and now has a duty to keep her safe from the villains, in addition he has also gave his word to find the girl which he does. There are dramatic scenes when Bond has shooting scene or a fighting scene that creates visceralious pleasure to the viewers.
Wolf of Wall Street
The conventions of Todorov's theory is that it has an equilibrium when he starts his new job and starts to make millions of dollars by using The basic method of the firm is a pump and dump scam. To cloak this, Belfort gives the firm the respectable name of "Stratton Oakmont". After an exposé in Forbes, hundreds of ambitious young financiers flock to his company. The movie has a disequilibrium when the protagonist Jordan Belfort starts to use his money for bad used like drugs and prostitutes. The movie then receives a new equilibrium when Belfort turns his life around and starts makes a living hosting seminars on sales technique.
Also, the conventions of Propps theory was very complicated as many of the characters are evil. But the the main protagonist is Leonardo DiCaprio because he starts his business and makes millions. the Heroine is Margot Robbie because she is the woman that DiCaprio marries. The father of the movie is Matthew McConaughey because he guides DiCaprio to his business. The helper of the film is Jonah Hill because he works with DiCaprio in order to make history. The donor of the film Jon Bernthal because he provides ideas like moving his money to a different country.
For Barthes theory in this film contains the Enigma code makes us think that he could do with millions of dollars and we also think that if he gets caught by the FBI because he has done so much illegal felonies. The Action codes in this film suggests that he meets this new women in who he marries and has a daughter. It also suggests that Belfort will get arrested because this movie is based in real events so we know that he will get arrested. And the FBI never fail to capture their target and Belfort is at the top of the list
Also, the conventions of Propps theory was very complicated as many of the characters are evil. But the the main protagonist is Leonardo DiCaprio because he starts his business and makes millions. the Heroine is Margot Robbie because she is the woman that DiCaprio marries. The father of the movie is Matthew McConaughey because he guides DiCaprio to his business. The helper of the film is Jonah Hill because he works with DiCaprio in order to make history. The donor of the film Jon Bernthal because he provides ideas like moving his money to a different country.
For Barthes theory in this film contains the Enigma code makes us think that he could do with millions of dollars and we also think that if he gets caught by the FBI because he has done so much illegal felonies. The Action codes in this film suggests that he meets this new women in who he marries and has a daughter. It also suggests that Belfort will get arrested because this movie is based in real events so we know that he will get arrested. And the FBI never fail to capture their target and Belfort is at the top of the list
Monday, 10 October 2016
COLOUR: The background of the football stadium stands consists of dark and dull colours but the football players in the middle of the pitch are emphasised and drawn to because they are wearing their bright kit colours. this creates an effect where the main focus are the players.The slogan "RISK EVERYTHING" as well as the NIKE logo stand out just because its in white and just because its the central attention.
FRAMING: The advertising print contains 12 professional footballers with already established fan-base to promote the company further. They are all wearing their new line-up of football boots and to also promote them through the slogan in the central image.
COMPOSITION: In foreground is where you see all the superstars and the wonder kid in the middle of all of them emphasised to be the "chosen one". In the middle ground you can see the slogan as well as the logo for the brand, showing some brand identity. finally in the background is the rest of the pitch and the main stadium stand.

Colour: There's a persistent monochromatic colour scheme running through out the whole advert, mostly the colour black. Black connotes power, elegance, formality, death, evil, and mystery. This is suitable because their star 50 Cent is presented as powerful due to the encounters he suffered in life and they emphasised it here.
Framing: The overall photo is split into two half's, on the right side you see 50 Cent's set of fingerprints show casing and connoting his criminal life but on the left side you see the subject (50 Cent) gazing at the camera. This side presents him as a victim and a hero for surviving.
Competition: As said before the advertising poster is slit into two half's with two juxtaposition meanings. on the right side you see there is a vast amount of writing full of quotes. the quote that was reinforced the most was the big one that says" i am what i am".
Size: When talking about the size matter the two background images it's equal but the two quotes are different sizes. the long quoted text is in a small font and tuck at the top right of the poster. However the large sized quote is overlapping onto the other side, reinforcing the fact it is breaking the rules as well as the way they decided not to use correct punctuation to also connote the idea of breaking the rules.
Shot Type: Both images are close-ups, the right one is a close up of the fingerprints used when 50 Cent committed crimes and the other shot is shot from his shoulders and his head.
Setting: The setting is unknown since the background of the main subject is black making is mysterious and also adding to the danger of the story meaning.
Introduction to Media: Media consumption audit
Which daily newspapers (if any) do you read?
What sections of newspapers do you turn to first, and why?
Football section for sure simply because I am interested in the sport and want the latest new when if come to the beautiful game.
What sections do you never read, and why?
I tend not to pay attention to the TV guide section because I don't watch anything on air, i'd rather watch something in my own time, on demand.
What kinds of stories do you usually read and why?
The stories I read with interest are the crime stories around the world, because its good to have general knowledge and understanding on whats happening around the world.
Do you, or someone else, buy the newspaper you read?
No, because the providers of the METRO newspaper distribute it for free.
Do you look at the online versions of any newspapers? Which newspapers? Why do you visit their website and not others?
What magazines (if any) do you buy regularly? Why?
The magazine i usually buy is "Empire" because I am engaged with their content, they provide film critics content as well as interesting talks and facts about film the are out.What sections of the magazines do you read and not read, and why?
Approximately how many hours a week do you spend watching television?
What times of day do you usually watch television?
What programmes do you like best and why?
Do you watch alone or with others? If you watch with others, who decides what you will watch?
Do you watch 'live' TV or on-demand/catch-up? Do you use any other devices to watch TV (such as laptop of tablet?)
Do you listen to the radio?
If yes, what stations do you like best and why?
Approximately how many hours a week do you spend listening to the radio?
Where do you listen to the radio?
What films have you seen in the cinema in the last month?
Haven't been to the cinema in two to three months.What films have you seen in other places – for example, through rental, satellite film channels (free or otherwise) or through video-on-demand?
Who else watched the films with you?
Who decided what films to watch?
What devices do you typically use to watch films: TV, laptop, tablet, phone etc.?
How often do you access the internet?
Where do you access the internet? At home, at college or school, or at work?
What are the main sites that you access?
What are the main reasons for accessing these sites – for example, for information, to make purchases, communicate with friends or for entertainment?
What other activities (if any) do you do whilst accessing the internet?
What different devices do you use to access the internet? What is your primary device for accessing the internet?
What social networks do you use regularly (e.g. Twitter, Instagram)? Why do you belong to these networks in particular?
Which daily newspapers (if any) do you read?
Usually I read the METRO newspaper in the tube and just because its free.
What sections of newspapers do you turn to first, and why?
Football section for sure simply because I am interested in the sport and want the latest new when if come to the beautiful game.
What sections do you never read, and why?
I tend not to pay attention to the TV guide section because I don't watch anything on air, i'd rather watch something in my own time, on demand.
What kinds of stories do you usually read and why?
The stories I read with interest are the crime stories around the world, because its good to have general knowledge and understanding on whats happening around the world.
Do you, or someone else, buy the newspaper you read?
No, because the providers of the METRO newspaper distribute it for free.
Do you look at the online versions of any newspapers? Which newspapers? Why do you visit their website and not others?
I don't look at online newspapers but rather use an app called "Flipboard" that provides me with all of the news I'm interested in.
What magazines (if any) do you buy regularly? Why?
The magazine i usually buy is "Empire" because I am engaged with their content, they provide film critics content as well as interesting talks and facts about film the are out.What sections of the magazines do you read and not read, and why?
Approximately how many hours a week do you spend watching television?
I don't watch television live but i watch TV shows consistently, approximately 5 hours a week.
What times of day do you usually watch television?
in the afternoon when i get back from school or when i have my dinner, but also in the rare cases i watch my shows at night.
What programmes do you like best and why?
My favourite TV show or TV series has got the be "The 100" because i am so engaged whit the story line and the characters because they seem very convincing other than the fact that they are very talented at what they do.
Do you watch alone or with others? If you watch with others, who decides what you will watch?
Yes, i watch my tv series alone as i don't like people interfering me through to episode. just generally prefer some peace.
Do you watch 'live' TV or on-demand/catch-up? Do you use any other devices to watch TV (such as laptop of tablet?)
I watch al my tv media on demand using my smart tv or tablet.
Do you listen to the radio?
Yes but only in the car.
If yes, what stations do you like best and why?
Its usually CAPITAL or CAPITAL XTRA just because it provides the latest pop music.
Approximately how many hours a week do you spend listening to the radio?
5 hours maximum.
What times of the day do you usually listen to the radio?
Evening or afternoon if i go somewhere far.
Where do you listen to the radio?
In the car.
What films have you seen in the cinema in the last month?
Haven't been to the cinema in two to three months.What films have you seen in other places – for example, through rental, satellite film channels (free or otherwise) or through video-on-demand?
I've seen Mad Max on sky film, Spectre as well and other films via Netflix.
Who else watched the films with you?
My uncle, dad, and cousins.
Who decided what films to watch?
I did since i watch many films so i am the "go to" guy for movies.
What devices do you typically use to watch films: TV, laptop, tablet, phone etc.?
Usually i use my smart TV since its android based i can download programs to allow my to watch what ever is in theatres.
How often do you access the internet?
Very often, pretty much everyday.
Where do you access the internet? At home, at college or school, or at work?
At home as well as outside using 4G connection.
What are the main sites that you access?
Youtube and Goal to get the newest football news.
What are the main reasons for accessing these sites – for example, for information, to make purchases, communicate with friends or for entertainment?
Youtube i use for entertainment and is to gain knowledge of the latest football rumours and news.
What other activities (if any) do you do whilst accessing the internet?
What different devices do you use to access the internet? What is your primary device for accessing the internet?
My primary device is my smart phone and secondary device is my mac computer.
What social networks do you use regularly (e.g. Twitter, Instagram)? Why do you belong to these networks in particular?
I tend to use instagram everyday due to the fact i follow many users, and i use snapchat heavily too to socialise with friends.
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